Catching up with old mates
It had been some time now since we had seen each other. Life just seems to get in the way. Other commitments, different circles and the ubiquitous career.
We’re older now and the kids are getting on with their own lives. Without realising, 10 years, no 15 have rolled passed us. Jobs have changed, habits broken, patterns changed. We don’t even think back to those times any more. Or worse we look back and make excuses.
“We are older now”. “He’s too far away”. WE HAVEN’T GOT TIME.
Time is the one thing we do not have. So it is the one thing that must be treasured. Quality time. The sort you want to do again.
Money comes and goes and we will never have enough. Status the same.
The other great treasure of our lives are the people we grow with. The ones we picked and stuck with and they stuck with us. They are rare. As rare and valuable as the memories of our past. All to often we focus what’s ahead and the destination and forget to savour the journey.
This should not be.
One Saturday morning I woke, looked out the window and saw blue sky. Forecast had been for rain and I had resided myself to a day inside but there was Blue Sky.
Before I left my bed I picked up my phone and looked through contacts. It had been a while since we had even talked.
“How’s it goin’ ?” I asked.
“Crickey, haven’t heard from you for a while.” Came back, surprised and quizzical.
“Blue sky outside” I continued.
“Here too, supposed to be raining.” The voice had calmed like it was just last week.
“So, no plans?” As much a question as a statement.
“Just Tele and the dog.” Was his response and I could tell, he was thinking the same.
“Meet half way, 1 o’clock, lunch.” I offered,
“First in orders, second in buys.” Was his retort,
“Your on!” I ended the call, got up and pulled on my gear. I had a challenge to meet.
Over the years our lives had changed. We had moved a few times. Changed partners a few times. Changed bikes a few times. But the memories came flooding back as I hit the road with a mission.
Saturday traffic is no better than during the week, in fact it’s worse. During the week everyone is on the clock and knows where they are going. Come Saturday and people are driving kids, looking for shops, checking out property. And most of it in areas they aren’t familiar with. Furthermore it feels like everyone is out at the same time.
So jams and tempers are everywhere. Just bite my lip and stay focused. Soon houses were giving way to trees and the “tin tops” were left behind in the heaving metropolis. I glanced the time while getting fuel and thought of the old cafe we knew so well. From now the road and it’s twists and turns were all that mattered. And making sure I got to order. Away from the rat race I let my mind relax and my face smile.
We must have done this old road 10,000 times in our lives and through every condition. The joy is not the thrill anymore. The joy is the memory.
I set my gear and just go for it. A Bump on apex here, next tightens up, then flip flop and power.
Youngsters are rounded up and dispatched with out a second thought. They could learn a thing or two if they could keep up. Late apex on the next miss the patch on the inside. Then remember all of us sharing a bottle of “stones”here as Johnno straightened his bike out. Now for the test. Can I get these next 2 left-handers as one. Gotta be fast. Gotta apex the first just right gotta stay commited. The road touches my foot but I am strong. I stay with it holding line. My peg touches down and I pull my foot back. “You can do this” to myself. Add a little throttle swing out over the line just for a moment and now the second bend all in one long smooth arc. Hold her down at the end and I will be in the right spot for entry into the next tight right.
A dab of Brakes and drop in late to position myself for the next open left. Power all the way through on to a short straight. Gawd! that felt good.
A few more turns and the cafe comes into view. Peeling into the bike park I scan for his bike. No sign of him. I can finish the road and come back. I launch back out and crank round the next bend, then another and again. Totally absorbed by the Highway. Two corners from the end we pass each other. I am full tilt and he is getting busy, but we acknowledge each other with a nod. So long since we seen each other yet we recognise at a glance. I pull up, swing round and begin chase. We enter the cafe together and split the bill. For hours we talk. About our kids, our women, our work. But mainly we talk about our bikes, that road, nailing the double left, he got the LRL triple just right and all those years disappear. We were never apart. The 3 of us. It was great to see him again and great to run that road.