The Quadfather
The Quadfather
21 Jan 2021


Is anyone else jealous of all these bikers living in sunny places, I'm dying for a hot day to go for a blast and it's snowing, raining, cold, wet. Coming from dreary Manchester, England.

8 1K
  • Cytrone Sky 21 Jan 2021
    Jealous?!!! No way... all that sun... riding all day... having fun... definitely can’t be good for you state of mind! So I am NOT but If I see them, they better run! 😂😂😂
    • The Quadfather 21 Jan 2021 author
      Cytrone Sky, Not sarcastic at all🤣
  • Danny 4D's 21 Jan 2021
    That's suck 😕, I hate snow ❄ 😒
    but for what it's worth we get 4 season 4 different sceneries to take vantage to awesome pictures.
    • The Quadfather 21 Jan 2021 author
      Danny 4D's, That's also true, guess I appreciate riding my bike in the sun more than the four seasons!! 😂
  • Steve E 21 Jan 2021
    Woke up this morning and the sun was out and I started to think that maybe it was a bad idea to take the bikes off the road. Then I remembered we are in total lockdown and there is nowhere to go ☹️😢☹️
    I’ll enjoy other people’s pics while I wait for the vaccine and some warmer weather 😂😂😂
    • The Quadfather 21 Jan 2021 author
      Steve E, Guess you're right there pal, it's probably because we are in lockdown and we can't go to the pub or go for a curry with mates. That's why I'm pining for some good weather, usually have something else to keep me occupied. Nevermind eh
  • Yesterday i went for a ride...when i was home a hour later, my legs were red as the sun .!and could not feel for 10 min ! Out side it was -1
    🥶 hahahaha
  • Nigel TB 15 Feb 2021
    I’m heading south ASAP, probably end up in Greece
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