Blog by Sassy
Withdrawal Symptoms
26 Oct 2021

Withdrawal Symptoms

So it's just over a month since I last ride my bike, having withdrawal symptoms & waiting on clearance from surgeon as to when I can ride again. I can start walking without the moon boot next week but still have use it when I'm at work. Must remember not to drop my bike on my foot next time I slide out on river gravel.

7 1.9K
  • Bristolbiker20 26 Oct 2021
    I had surgery and 6 months later I was riding my surgeon told me no riding for a year fuck that if you feel better and feel.like you can ride get on and do it and just be careful as to how you ride
  • Sassy 26 Oct 2021 author
    I've got 3 Alvusion Fractures in my right foot/ankle, rode 150+kms home after the incident as I wouldn't leave my bike unattended. Got lots of arthritis in ankle from previous injuries/surgery & have been told I'll need an ankle replacement in a few years. Will ride as soon as I can walk without moon boot & crutches.
    • Bristolbiker20 26 Oct 2021
      Sassy, fair play I had major knee surgery hthey had to reattach all ligaments and they had to also do cartalidge reconstruction so I k ow the feeling of not being able to ride lol
      • Sassy 26 Oct 2021 author
        Bristolbiker20, Damn, that's major knee surgery. Hopefully you make a full recovery & can ride without limitated movement.
  • Bristolbiker20 26 Oct 2021
    I had surgery over a year ago and still have problems with my knee so some of the surgery failed and they don't rele wanna go back in and do more on it so will be limited and I still ride it like I stole it lol
  • Adam Rodney 26 Oct 2021
    Took over a year of recovery for me to get back to 100%, it was difficult, but when I had the strength back and was able to put my foot down while on the bike safely, was a good feeling to be on again.
  • Sassy 26 Oct 2021 author
    Glad your back to 100% now.
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