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"Ego", literally translated (from Latin), means “I.” The Ego has several hats (such as #egotism, #egocentrism, #superego), but for the sake of simplification, lets focus on #egoic; “pertaining to I.” Egoic thoughts, emotions, motives and behaviors which are focused on the self - in a self-absorbed way.
Being self-aware (an extremely important factor when riding), is a far cry from being self-absorbed, and a quality worth cultivating. Self-awareness is consciousness of the self and having an understanding of how our actions and behaviors impact (or not) the world around us. Keeping the #ego in check requires self-awareness. "How am I behaving in the world?", versus "How the world should behave towards me."
So often when riding the body fires up. Adrenaline is pumping and the focus is addicting. It feels like every nerve ending is alive and tingling. The problem is if/when we forget about the world around us. Riding through towns/villages and such, without dialing it down. Forgetting there are people living at a slower pace and children who might be playing close by, or animals sleeping on the road or meandering about. Being #considerate and aware should always be a part of a riders skill set.
I confess to at times enjoying the ego boost of realising I am riding better/faster/more skilled than some riders around me, but then there is always some flip side of having someone being better/faster/more skilled than me too. When evaluating the situation, the ego boost is sometimes worth a small thrill but at other times it's not worth the potential hazard. Using logic and calculating risk is another important addition to a riders skill set.
So, with it being the Season of "goodwill to all" and a New Year about to begin, make it a self-aware one and leave the ego in the bin. Ride safe. Take care of yourself. ..and show consideration to others. ❤️??☺
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As always Ride Safe be Safe be Well & Happy Holidays my friend ???
There are some riders out there riding on pure ego, what I describe as the "look at me" types. They aren't all speed demons and reckless, some just want to be heard.
Don't we all. ?
Thanks for posting this, it's refreshing to have something to read here of this nature. ?
Btw, you'll enjoy Zen and the Art of...
It's quite heady in parts, visceral in others.