Come and join us once again at Tampa Joe's located at 9316 Anderson Rd for Bay Area Riders bikenight sponsored by The Fran Haasch Law Group.
We will have multiple vendors such as our friend Joseph with The Stunt lot, Manny with Led4everllc, Mike Mikola with Lust4Steel jewelry and will have food specials, great company and good music. All are welcome no matter what you ride!
We will also have our friends Tami and Don from our Sponsor Tampa Triumph and Chris and Marvin from our sponsor Cycle Exchange.
With all going on around us in the world we all need to do our parts by being on the safe side when it comes to following CDC guidelines especially if we want to continue the fun at our new bikenight.
Below is a couple changes and we please ask you you to cooperate with the establishment
Masks/face coverings are mandatory for inside and outside social distance 6 feet apart if not wear a mask.
Let's follow the super simple rule to be able to continue the good times together.