This is a memorial Run Put on by the Oregon Veteran's Motorcycle Association (OVMA) We will group up on Friday and ride from Wildhorse Harley Davidson in Bend Oregon, we will ride to Seaside Oregon, on Day 1 (Saturday) of the actual ride we will meet up for registration and information at the American Legion in Seaside at 8:00 am then we will ride as a group to the Prom Circle in Seaside for a group photo, then we will depart for Paradise Harley Davidson for lunch, then on through Portland on Highway 26 to Fred Meyer in Sandy, OR to refuel. We will then ride on to Plateau Truck stop in Madras Or for refuel and then to the Air Museum in Madras for a dinner and presentation. Madras will be the official overnight stop, Then on Sunday we will meet up at the Cross Keys Station for the days information and ride on to John Day Or, with a stop at the Ochoco rest stop on the way for those neding fuel and bathroom, then to John Day for lunch and meeting with our friends there. After lunch we will ride on to Ontatrio Or, For a celebration and dinner there. This will conclude the event, however, many of us will group and ride back to Bend, Or on Monday. Sign ups are by eventbrite and a copy of the link will be posted here. or you can just go to eventbrite and search for POW MIA. Registration will be $40 per person. This gets you 3 meals and so much more. Please help us with this great fund raising event. We encourage you to join us even if you are not a rider, Come wave at us with your flags along side the road as we go by.. All of the funds OVMA raises (every penny) is spent to benefit Veterans, their families and our Community. THIS EVENT IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.
Here is the link to the Eventbrite page for registration:
We had a few people run into some issues trying to get their tickets purchased. It would not make the purchase. This has been taken care of no more delays. Thanks Larry