The 18th Annual "Buddy Oney" Toy Run brought to you by The Bad To The Bone Riders of Rockdale will take place this year on December 02, 2023 at The Ranch 415 W. Hwy. 79 Rockdale Texas 76567.This annual ride in Memory of the Late Buddy Oney benefits the needy children of all Milam County by giving 100% of the proceeds to The Milam County C.P.S. Board (Child Protective Services), Milam County Brown Santa Program, Thorndale Cares and The Rockdale Christmas Round up. Through its 17-year history the "Buddy Oney" Toy Run has presented a little over $112,900.00 to these organizations that serve the less fortunate Children of Rockdale and Milam County. These organizations have been selected by our group to assure that the Children of Milam County that may not have a very good Christmas at least have some joy and the hope that people really care about them. Our Registration begins at 9:00 am with the first Bike out at 11:00 am. The ride fee is $20.00 for rider and $25.00 with a passenger or a new toy valued at $25.00. Ride fee does include food after the ride for all participants of the ride. We will also have Ride shirts again this year for $20.00 each for Short Sleeve and $25.00 for Long Sleeve. There will be limited Shirts available so Preorder if you want to make sure you get one by calling Cynthia Ferrell @ (512)698-2784 by order DEADLINE date of November 01,2023. The ride will take us through some nice ride roads in Milam, Lee and Burleson Counties. Stops/Sponsors on this Ride are Cameron V.F.W. Post #2010 in Cameron, Rockdale V.F.W. Post 6525 in Rockdale, Cyndi's Hawg Hang Out in Hogg, Cliff's Tavern in Rockdale, and The Ranch in Rockdale. The last Bike in will be at 400pm at The Ranch in Rockdale. At this point we will have a meal provided by Brookshire Brothers of Rockdale and prepared by Brady's Pest Control and Crew also of Rockdale. We will also have a 50/50 Drawing, Raffle and Door prizes. Please come out and help us support these great organizations that do so much for the less fortunate Children of Rockdale and Milam County. For more information about this ride please contact Charles Starr @ (512)-540-2561 or Neal Ferrell @ (512)-299-7446