Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles, Semis, and Tractors WELCOME*Registration between 8:00am-10:00am (Pre-registration available online 7/24/22 $10 CAR SHOW REGISTRATION FEE Payable day of)
* Judging 10:00am-Noon *Dash Plaques for first 300 registrants*Minimum 50 trophies*Hourly Door Prizes*50/50 Raffle*Raffle Prizes*DJ (Cruisin Zeake)*Food Trucks *Vendors*Tour through our Control Room Simulator *Family Activities (free) include:Vendors (Car/Local/Craft)Petting ZooCarnival Games with prizesInflatables and more…. All proceeds will support Sleep In Heavenly Pease -Ottawa County who assists providing beds to children in need. “If a child needs a bed, we want to make sure they get one. No kid sleeps on the floor in our town!”Rain Date September 17, 2023Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station5501 N. State Route 2Oak Harbor, OH 43449