Ninja 300 Fork upgrades?
So pending the inspection I will be buying a 2017 Ninja 300 to use as a commuter and to use at at "mini track" (Little Stockton 99) to practice fundamentals in between track days. my question is what is the probability that I will need to upgrade the forks? or even the rear shock? BTW I weigh 180 pounds

Note: "The correct spring is the softest spring available, that is able to support the bike and rider under the hardest of braking/accelerating while still leaving some room for the system to travel if a bumb is encountered in this state."
The OEM-Spring is 0.65 kg/mm.
The next wrong recommendation is about too heavy grade of oil which makes the rebound not correct and so the suspension setup worthless.
And as a tipp about what is said should be the best brand of fork oil, you could give Putoline (not higher than 10W) a test.
And as the last point: One important thing you should look for also is to eliminate the break away torque.