Zach Morgan ADVmoto Training
Zach Morgan ADVmoto Training
19 Jun 2020

Not sure about this

Free social media......what is the product - because nothing is free. That could possibly mean that we are the product here just like Facebook etc.
Blog? I can create my own and set up ads on the blog to possibly supply dividends where I actually own my content. Do I own my own content here or did I sign it away already?

3 1.9K
  • Kim 19 Jun 2020
    you are right, but social networks are not made to sell content... find people, events, tips and funny, get attention, etc. who prevents you from publishing your YouTube videos and getting views? You can create your own website, pay for a domain, etc. try to advertise it to promote it somewhere in another social network or in Google search or people just create their own profile and use a ready-made site.
    • Zach Morgan ADVmoto Training 19 Jun 2020 author
      Kim, Trust me. I understand how social media works. I also know how creating a self owned and hosted site works. I have actually handled this kind of stuff for a living in my past life which is why I question the need of giving a person's identity away to corporations that use you as the product.
      Personally I don't have a "need" to be social on the internet. I have an interest in giving a new service a gander at the least to see what they are all about. I have a few things that couldn't hurt to be promoted from time to time, but honestly not a complete necessity. I still prefer the old school real face to face and word of mouth. It has served me well my entire life.
      In my opinion people are all to easily swayed to give up all of their privacy to freely become a product for someone or something else. You either produce for yourself or something/someone else.
      Easier to use something that is already set up is summarized above.
  • Danny 4D's 24 May 2021
    Very good argument on both sides.
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