Blog by Dan Edward Baroja
Anybody know any bike meets in Chicago?
Dan Edward Baroja
Dan Edward Baroja
23 Jul 2020

Anybody know any bike meets in Chicago?

Anytime anywhere? Just curious

10 2.1K
  • Jose Leonardo 23 Jul 2020
    Open menu and choose events or map, you can find events not a lot now, but ppl will come and post their events
  • Kay Bee 24 Jul 2020
    I’ve gotten a lot of tags and questions from people in Who Riden facebook group on Leaned Back so I’ll break it down. It started as a weekend ride 4 years ago for out of town stunters to enjoy our city but has now grown to a week long event that happens every July. ALL THE LOCATIONS ARE SECRET UNTIL THE MORNING OF. The location and time of that day’s ride is posted on @brian_636 Instagram story every morning this entire week/weekend. Hope that clears up some confusion !🤘#LeanedBackInChiraq
  • Kay Bee 24 Jul 2020
    tonight's ride
    • Moto Riders Universe 24 Jul 2020
      Kay Bee, We asked him if he could help share this app in your location, he said he was too busy
      • Kay Bee 24 Jul 2020
        Moto Riders Universe, wow.. idk him personally i just posted so people would have the ride info. that sucks.. i can share it to all the groups i'm in though. Who Riden is a pretty big group.
        • Moto Riders Universe 24 Jul 2020
          Kay Bee, It would be cool, because if you didn't know you can set up notifications about new events from your location, and also set up a local feed and see events nearby on the map, of course this will work great when there are more people here
        • Moto Riders Universe 24 Jul 2020
          Kay Bee, There are approximately 320,000 motorcyclists in Illinois.
          • Kay Bee 24 Jul 2020
            Moto Riders Universe, Dope! ill put all this info in my post
  • David Zawadzki 26 Jul 2020
    Yeah look up Chicago untied meets
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