Blog by Gavin Brett Randall
A view from my window.
Gavin Brett Randall
Gavin Brett Randall
15 Aug 2020

A view from my window.

For all of us out there on two wheels, the joy of owning and riding a motorcycle runs very deep in our veins. Riding unknowingly becomes part of our DNA when we first ever jump on one. Remember that first feeling? I do so clearly and I know you all connect with this.

The size or make of the bike doesn’t really matter, because even the smallest of scooters will have that tendency to put a smile on your face at some point.

For those that own something with a bit more anger under the tank and love pushing them to our limit. Motorcycling is certainly our drug and will have you as it’s prisoner for life. Not owning one for short periods will make you edgy and miserable.

Once you have ridden a bike and then owned one, feeling the thrill and acceleration when you crack the throttle wide open. Then squeeze that brake lever and feel how quickly you can stop the bike. Addiction sets in and not being able to find the time to ride will cause you to experience withdrawal symptoms that non bike riders don’t understand.

My first three motorcycle experiences were ones from the two stroke family, which I will talk about in a later blog. Left me with many a sleepless night scheming on how I was going to persuade my Mom or Dad to let me own one.

Having at least one bike in the garage at all times, means I sleep well knowing it’s my antidote to stress if I ever need it. All I have to do is pull the leathers on, put my lid on and even the smallest of rides will recharge my battery.

With the utmost respect to safety and riding within your limits. I highly recommend this mode of transport, be it for commute, fun on the weekend or merely track riding. Owning and riding a bike will make you feel really alive. As for me, I can’t go without it for to long.

Ride and be safe out there everyone and have a great weekend on two.

Greetings from :
Algarve, Portugal ??

2 1.7K
  • ChinoFinelli 16 Aug 2020
    Great post and pic! ? Burn rubber not your soul ?
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