Blog by Wendy
First big trip with my bike. 800 km total
16 Aug 2020

First big trip with my bike. 800 km total

Begin of my motorcycle lessons I said: "if I have my license, the next weekend we're going to a motorcycle camping! “

And yes, now we're back for a few hours.
It was a nice great trip!

We start from home at 08 o clock.
Riding with enough stops.
Eventually we came out in Montmédy.
We had been there years ago. Such a nice place.
So break in Montmédy. Lovely!❤️

After a break lying down on a bench, we drived too Verdun. It was chaos.
Work on the road...
Navigation didn't know it either.
20 minutes later we find a way to get out of Verdun. ?
Still Verdun is a nice old place.

Following the last km too the camping in Hannonville-sous-les-Côtes we got 15 km of woods. It was nice! (there were more roads too the camping but my navigation wanted too show me this route.
Around 3 o'clock we arrived at FoxyCamp.

I send my husband inside.
And it was a good choice.
Because they refused too talk English or even Dutch.
And I speak no work French! I hate French. I'm sorry for the Frenchman/women's among us.
But I have no good things /memories about it.
Only angry people. ?‍♀️

But my stay was good!

800 km driven this weekend
Now almost 1000 km driven in 4 days.
Just home for a few hours.

Nice long trip.
Love it. If you start with riding for the first time. A new world opens up. ❤️?

5 3K
  • Daniel Ramos 16 Aug 2020
    This is amazing! I will keep following of your remaining 1000 km
    • Wendy 16 Aug 2020 author
      Daniel Ramos, I mean I have now driven about 1000 km in 4 days. I just got home for a few hours.
      My English is not so good.

      Did my best. My Apologies.
      • Daniel Ramos 16 Aug 2020
        Wendy, Thanks! in any case I will follow you) it is interesting to learn something about your country
        • Wendy 16 Aug 2020 author
          Daniel Ramos, That's nice of you!
          Thursday I have a small trip with a friend/colleague.

          Mabey tomorrow a small trip all by my own.
          Love to make pictures!

          But waiting what the weather does.

          Have a nice day Daniel!
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