Perfect day but left it too late.
What a gorgeous day to be on a bike! Well, for Blighty, anyway.
A balmy 22 degrees (that’s centigrade, for my foreign friends), not a cloud in the sky and the open road beckoning.
Had some errands to run this morning, dagnamit, so it was almost 2:00pm before I was suited and booted and swinging a leg over the bike. Where to go, though? I’m tired of all the local haunts and felt a bit bored at the prospect of riding down the same old road once again.
My inner voice was asking, “Where do you want to go, Jens?” It answered back, “Poole Harbour!”
Yes, Poole, one of my favourite places in the country, why not? Do I have the time? It’s pushing it a bit, if I’m honest - probably three hours each way and with the Mrs expecting a BBQ this evening time isn’t exactly on my side.
Well, I set off excited by the prospect of a good afternoon on the bike. Alas, though, by the time I got to Melksham it was clear enough that I didn’t have the time! Bugger!
Still, a cheeky burger at McDonalds before the ride home again wasn’t a bad consolation prize since I was ravenous and about to chew the chin guard off my helmet to keep me going.
Lesson learned; plan better and set off earlier in the day. I have some time off later this week - perhaps a second attempt is in order!
Ralph waits patiently while I refuel at McDonalds in Melksham.