Bike parts
So. My girlfriend saw me ordering more bike parts for my bike online. She asked where i got the money for all that. “Dont worry, business has been busy i got a lot of sidework this month” i said. She said don’t be wasting money when we’re trying to buy a house in the near future.??? she then told me that if she catches me doing it again she’s gonna smash my head in to the keyboard. Well, here i am, online buying a few more parts for my bike again and clearly i don’t give a shikdhale3kxbaka78pcbf to isnbaiensodien bjsnsjskoaos. S. Si shnf djanala12oxndhs48 oalndid. Siidhdie63636 zhaopfheo slolsbsi91ahdla.?wukdo172zbcm