MotoGirl in Thailand
MotoGirl in Thailand
01 Sep 2022

Mountain Coffee

(A snapshot of) The Hmong Village of 𝐃𝐨𝐢 𝐏𝐮𝐢 in Northern Thailand.

Decades ago Hmong villagers cultivated Opium, a lucrative commodity, until the Thai government instructed soldiers to eradicate drugs from the region in 1953, resulting in breaking apart several communities.

Many of those communities came to settle here, in Baan Doi Pui, and fruits, herbs and medicinal plants are cultivated instead.

it is rainy season in Thailand now, so the mountain viewpoint gets beautifully misty. The perfect time for a mountain coffee. ❤️

3 1.4K
  • Elvira Davidson 02 Sep 2022
    My Dad was stationed in Ubon Ratchathani during the war. He always had a love for that culture and he passed it on to me. One thing we still love doing on his birthday is going to an authentic Thai restaurant.
    • MotoGirl in Thailand 04 Sep 2022 author
      Elvira Davidson, that is lovely! Has he ever returned to visit? Have you also? Nice tradition for his birthday. He must have many wonderful memories despite it being a bad time in history.
  • Elvira Davidson 04 Sep 2022
    no he hasn't and no I haven't. I've always wanted to go and might do so one day. he'd much rather have been there and flying than boots on the ground. you have to look at the bright side. are you from Thailand?
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