Blog by Gavin Brett Randall
Great Gift 50th - For The Man Cave
Gavin Brett Randall
Gavin Brett Randall
11 Sep 2022

Great Gift 50th - For The Man Cave

So was my 50th recently, turned out I received the best present I had ever received before. One for the Man Cave.

I received a painting which took 3 months to paint, from my brother in law who is an artist. It stands 100cm x 70cm and is acrylic on canvas and if I understand correctly, he spent in excess of 100 hours to complete the painting.

It’s now hanging above my Yamaha R6 in my man cave and every time I look at it, it takes me back to a time and place. Specifically the “Ayrton Senna Parabólica” at Estoril Race Way in Portugal. 🇵🇹

If any of you might need or want something like this, get hold of me and I will put you onto “Pencil Warrior - Shane Rodrigues” my brother in law. He can be found on Facebook or I can send you his email address or contact number to discuss what you might be wanting. Makes an everlasting gift for your biking spouse (wife or husband)

Anyway, thought I would share this with you guys, as I thought it was a special and timeless gift. Stay On Two - and be safe! 😎👍🏻👊🏻

Best Regards

2 1.1K
  • Tony 11 Sep 2022
    Wow looks great.
  • Danny 4D's 12 Sep 2022
    That is just Awesome 👌
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