Blog by Firehawk
My Biggest Haul Yet
26 Jan 2023

My Biggest Haul Yet

The rig I drive for work was broken down Tuesday when I limped it back to the company terminal in Eden. When I found out it was fixed this morning, I also found out I wouldn't have another load to run for the rest of this week. The meant I would need to pick up at least some of my luggage to bring it home for the weekend.

I didn't want to burn gas out of my Jeep, so I decided to use my bike. On the way down I bought myself the biggest cargo net I'd ever seen. I'd never carried anything like a suitcase or a duffel bag on my bike before, so I knew this would be my biggest haul for my motorcycle. ....Anyway, I got it all figured out, but just how much further can I go with using a sport bike for tasks

not meant for a sport bike?

8 1.4K
  • Tony 27 Jan 2023
    Im a truck driver also. Why I went with a sport/touring yamaha fjr1300. Gives my a lot of room different carring load options also can take everything off and keep up with the big boys. ?
    • Firehawk 27 Jan 2023 author
      Tony, That's cool. I eventually want to buy something that's actually built for touring, but until then I'm enjoying pushing the limits of how far I can go with using my R6 for carrying stuff.
      • Tony 27 Jan 2023
        Firehawk, Ive been looking at a R6 just cause its lighter and etc. But that would be my 2nd bike. Will never give up my FJR. I ride all year round and it has heated grips heated seat adjustable windshield etc. its great for all weather. Sometimes on nice days be fun in the R6 for sure.
        • Firehawk 27 Jan 2023 author
          Tony, Yeah man. I feel the same way about my R6 as you do about your FJR. It's been a great machine for me in the almost nine years that I've had it. I have a fairly warm set of riding gear to keep the cold out, but I do look forward to when I can get my touring bike. I almost won't even need a car once I have one.
          • Tony 27 Jan 2023
            Firehawk, Every true. Only for snow and ice on roads.
            • Firehawk 27 Jan 2023 author
              Tony, Agreed
  • Elvira Davidson 29 Jan 2023
    They make sabble bags, tail bags. I use a backpack with a chest strap.
    • Firehawk 30 Jan 2023 author
      Elvira Davidson, I've used a backpack before, but I'll never put saddle bags or a tail bag on a crotch rocket.
      I just think it's funny that I use my bike the way that I do, when I could just as easily use a car. Also, moments like the one in this post motivate me to continue to save up add more bikes to my collection. I definitely see myself with an adventure bike someday.
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