Rainy Freaking Day
Saturday I got my new rear tire on the Rocket. Got the gunk outta my rear transaxle and regreased it. Got new rear brake pads put in. Got oil and filter changed. Early this afternoon I gave her a wipe down and polish. Rearranged things in the garage to give the bikes more room. Made myself a "Poor-Mans" hat rack. After all the sweat I took a cooling shower and rewarded myself by taking my Rocket to the coffee shop for a couple cups while doing a little reading. When I came out the northern sky was wall-to-wall black clouds. Oh crap, guess I am getting wet going home. But I was able to get around most of the traffic and hit the throttle, I usually speed anyway but I was easily going 15 mph faster than usual. Made it home just before the deluge. Now I have the Mississippi river in my street. Trash lid blown open. Planters blown over. Man it sucks when I can't ride.