The forks do not resemble any other forks from pictures I have seen of Tiger Cubs, similar but not the same. It looks like mine have been modified and contain parts from both lightweight and heavyweight forks. More about these when I get round to servicing them. I know I will have to service them, when I filled them with oil it instantly came pouring out of the bottom seals.
The dust excluder sleeve nut looks like a standard T20 sleeve nut but looking at the parts diagrams the T20C competition version should be twice the length of a normal sleeve nut as the competition stanchions are an inch longer than normal. A bit confused.
I undid the dust excluder sleeve nut with my new tool bought from Ebay for £5, its the third one I have bought and not one of them fits properly, I will modify one of them to fit. The lower fork leg dropped down but would not unscrew from the internal spring. I therefore had to slacken off the handle bar securing nuts to allow enough clearance to undo the top fork spring securing nut to drop the internal spring out, complete with the lower leg.
This left the stanchion in place in the yokes, I undid the large top stanchion nut and removed the stanchion. I found a tool stamped "TAPTOOL" in my dads toolbox that had the right size cut out, no idea what its original purpose was.
The lower bush was very worn and could be removed by hand. The lower yoke on the Tiger Cub Competition models were reinforced, the gap between the two parts of the yoke has what looks like a large washer in there to stop any deformity.