To Build or move on?
When I had bought the bike it had come with an extra engine.
So with the encouragement of a friend, we set to building a new motor.
First I pulled both engines I had apart down to the bolts.
My Cylinders and Pistons were trash so I wound up getting a 84 GPZ 1100 jugs and Pistons from a different GPZ (year unknown) From the internet
Once we also got a crankshaft. (Make and model unknown)
We sorted and cleaned all the parts and then picked out the best for everything. In the end there are parts from 5 different engines in the engine.
While we were working on the engine. I was also reworking the frame.
I repainted it with Plastidip(a mistake looking back)
The crankshaft was the last part to arrive so once it was there we started building.