Adventures of YB125 in Chile, part 3

I continue the story of a trip to South America with my wife on a motorcycle Yamaha YB125 named "Friend". In these two parts, we continue the story about Chile. Today there will be only the Atacama Desert. Many photos. Let's go!
Atacama. What did we know about it? Only facts that are as dry as its climate. But now it was glaring in memory similar to someone's surreal dream, and the dust that covers us with the motorcycle together, does not shake and dry the skin. By the way, we only tried it, having made a circle of about 500 kilometers
Atakama is huge and contains in addition to the natural wonders a lot of cities, roads, villages, archaeological sites, modern monuments and much much more. In the heart of the Chilean part of this desert is the small and well-known village San Pedro de Atacama. Almost at the very borders with Bolivia (it is immediately behind the volcano Likankabur) and Argentina. An amazing phenomenon, we must admit, in which our stream was blown off a bit :)
People in San Pedro are divided into two types. The first - spend money, the second - they cut money :) we do not fit either of these group, and this feeling when you do not fit (exactly what we have become so unaccustomed to in Peru) has quickly become boring. We again realized that the system of national parks of the United States is ahead of the whole planet and does not catch up with it even in a developed country like Chile. Visiting especially tourist points is paid. Paid enough that not all Chileans can afford to visit all or most of the wonders. Money supposedly goes to the communes, but is it so? Who knows…
But okay, we leave San Pedro behind the shoulders :) it is physically impossible to fence all Atacama, so we again chose the primer on the map. As you can guess, we went to meet the nature, which did not need to be exchanged for money.
Here, we finally saw the guanacos.
One of the most important attractions of Atacama is its unique, stunning starry sky that does not belong to anyone ... Only a pair of eyes staring at it. And if you stand by the salt lake, then you have two starry skies!
The stars poured directly into our tent. For the first time at an altitude of 4300, it was warm really warm :) volcanic stones - flat and light ones were ideally suited for warming. And also, we looked at this strange greenish glow in the sky and could not remember that we could see somewhere something similar.
To be continued....