Adventures of YB125 in Brazil. Part 5

For several days we traveled together with a huge cyclone. At the entrance to the widely known in narrow circles (motorcyclists) serpentine on Serru Corvo Branco, we made a stop on the sidelines to check the tire pressure.
Towers Serra Corvo Branco. The Brazilians assure us that this is not an unfounded name, and white ravens are found here. The Serra Corvo Branco area is under strict protection and you can't go where you want.
These petroglyphs do not look like what we've seen in North America. On the walls there are no zoomorphic figures, mostly geometric, rather rough, more like some schemes.
Rosceta - an excellent alternative to wheat bread
In hot streets you try to find a cool shadow. The whole day was full of this surprise from the size of the trees, their quantity and life-affirming beauty.
We were fortunate enough to be in the small village Iporanga. In the heart of an endangered Atlantic forest (Mata Atlantica) on the shore of the stunning and beautiful Ribeira River.
For three months in Brazil, the eyes are not yet accustomed to green, and you still want more forest. And here we are, in Mata Atlantica - a unique forest of the Atlantic coast. And it's incredible. On low hills, the same forest that was formed immediately after the formation of the continents with the highest percentage of endemicity. Forest, because of which Brazil is called Brazil ...
To be continued....)