Adventures of YB125 in Brazil. Part 9

kayaking school in Itacar for teens
while we are preparing breakfast, bats are prepared to sleep in the leaves of coconut palms) It is interesting to observe their sociality
Brazilian fishermen
Briefly about the Brazilian summer :) Our indiscreet stock for a day. And the first acquaintance with the noble variety of cocoa - kriolo, which comes from the moist forests of the Amazon
Exploring the primers of the Bahia state, we tried not to move away from the coast. Firstly, of course, because you can breathe only by the sea, so that the lungs do not burn, and secondly, we all waited for the beginning of the cocoa plantations. And so, they began. However, since the times described by Jorge Amado, the whole area has changed a lot. Cities have grown, the Atlantic forest has disappeared, and the plantations themselves have undergone considerable changes and are no longer able to enrich the local population as much.
Shortly before Rio we crossed the Tropic of Capricorn, which means that we have reached those latitudes where the sun rises to the zenith. And this picture was accidentally made already in Bahia at 12 noon on the day of the solstice. Only a day later we learned that it was IT))) felt like ancient people who without knowledge of the date were surprised and played with the natural phenomenon. Both of them were burnt that day ... It's unusual when a shadow disappears under you.
Take a look at the shadow
Studying the hidden beaches, for the first time it was necessary to walk along the paths in the mangroves as on another planet. Without water, the black clay is very hot, and in the pools the water is warmed to such a state that it burns the feet. The border of the transition of mangroves to the rainforests was always interesting, and now I literally climbed it.
Stay tuned!)