Florida Man Shot With Own Gun After Motorcycle Crash

The story happened in Brevard, Florida. A rider crashes his bike and is then shot in the leg by his own pistol.
Brian Alexander and Alexis Travis were out for a spin on Alexander's 1984 Honda (sadly, bike's model wasn't identified) on the evening of April 12. For some unknown reason, Alexander lost control of the bike and hit a curb on New Haven Avenue near West Melbourne, Florida. On impact, Alexander and Travis were thrown from the bike as it pinwheeled into a thrift store parking lot. When Alexander hit the ground, a pistol he was wearing in a holster on his hip discharged and hit him in the leg.
Florida Highway Patrol and other first responders arrived on scene soon after the crash and took the situation in hand. Alexander and Travis were rushed to nearby medical center. Brian was more seriously injured than Travis, as he was injured in the leg. Both were equipped with helmets, which minimized head injuries.
Unfortunately, nothing is said about how it happened that the gun slipped out of its holster and shot straight into the leg. Just a coincidence.
Alexander and Travis are already recovering and will soon be able to return to normal life.