Blog by HOTROD
How are you spending your lock down time?
23 Jul 2020

How are you spending your lock down time?

How many times do you get out and ride?
How many times have you cleaned your bike?
What road trips have you had to cancel?
I was going from Melbourne to the Atherton Tablelands ..... looks like that won’t happen until 2021 now.

13 2.2K
  • Sokratesz 23 Jul 2020
    I've done nearly 12.000 miles since the start of the lockdown, organised a few small rideouts and am now doing a tour of the Alps en the Pyrenees :)
    • HOTROD 23 Jul 2020 author
      Sokratesz, Oh ..... we’re in lockdown here in Melbourne Victoria. Had Hot?Rod in for servicing, new rubber, re wrap pipes. Been out for a little “essential” scoot, looking forward to more.
      • Sokratesz 23 Jul 2020
        HOTROD, We had a lockdown since mid March, but riding sans contact was still allowed. Since May the restrictions on travel have been eased, allowing cross-border trips!
        • HOTROD 23 Jul 2020 author
          Sokratesz, Borders are closed here, and Metro Melb cannot even travel throughout our state of Victoria. And if you ride you’re not even suppose to stop for coffee, but it’s ok to shop for essentials or go to Bunnings.... within our own postcodes ?
  • Switchblade 23 Jul 2020
    I've been able to work from home during lock down and have been slipping in an hour ride everyday. no mare than 100km
    • Switchblade 23 Jul 2020
      Switchblade, ... each day but still wsy more riding this year than usual for me. we have no real riding restrictions across Canada although one province had border closed for awhile.
  • Vergel Bias 23 Jul 2020
    new shoes for raven, few parts fiber carbonized, replace mud hugger, put undertail stickers. been trying to find excuses to drive since i lost my job during lockdown, so my MT and I finding route to produce bread hahaha.
  • Karl Janzik 23 Jul 2020
    I'm in Melbourne too, got this off the DHHS website, still current, so I'm going riding on this crisp clear day, cockatoo, Gembrook, Belgrave and Dandenongs.
  • colin_duckworth 24 Jul 2020
    I’ve been trying to get out and about at least two / three times a week (was lucky to get a weekend spin last Sunday).
    Let’s see...Bumblebee hasn’t needed cleaning (yet) after it was detailed a month ago. Big Bird...hmm...I sadly admit it hasn’t been cleaned in months (soon...promise).
    I haven’t had to cancel any road trips...yet. If I’m (very) lucky I might actually try and take one in a few weeks (a jaunt up the coast to the Sunshine Coast and back. The temptation to keep going ‘home’ to NQ will be strong, I fear).
  • Yvette Visagie 24 Jul 2020
    In SA we've been doing "Ride to Freedom" runs in defiance of the harsh regulations imposed on is during the lockdown. I've been on a few decent runs and protests since the lockdown started and I'm not planning on parking my baby any time soon.
  • We've been getting out about once a fortnight before stage 4 lockdown.
    Queens birthday I rode to Canberra via Wagga Wagga and that was my last outing.
    now in stage 4 here in Melb.
    We've had to cancel several rides with Vic borders and had a 4 week trip to Lake Mcquarie planned which is also canceled.

    Now planning 4 week camping trip to Perth and surrounds and back for Oct 2021.

    Really hoping this covid crap is over by then.

    Currently stuck at home with no job and there's only so many times you can wash a clean bike lol...
    • HOTROD 11 Aug 2020 author
      Scoota Mike Kannegieter, I’m still working, got a quick scoot in before Stage 4 restrictions but Hot?Rod is sitting idle....even taking the long way to shop for essentials is not enough to keep his battery maintained so I’ll have to pull the battery tender out.
      • HOTROD, Yep... similar problem with my bike.

        I spend my days doing little projects around the house and of course there are the domestic hubby duties to perform. There always something to clean up around the house specially when you've got two 5yr olds who don't clean up after themselves.. one is 18 and the other is 28..lol
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