How are you spending your lock down time?
How many times do you get out and ride?
How many times have you cleaned your bike?
What road trips have you had to cancel?
I was going from Melbourne to the Atherton Tablelands ..... looks like that won’t happen until 2021 now.

Let’s see...Bumblebee hasn’t needed cleaning (yet) after it was detailed a month ago. Big Bird...hmm...I sadly admit it hasn’t been cleaned in months (soon...promise).
I haven’t had to cancel any road trips...yet. If I’m (very) lucky I might actually try and take one in a few weeks (a jaunt up the coast to the Sunshine Coast and back. The temptation to keep going ‘home’ to NQ will be strong, I fear).
Queens birthday I rode to Canberra via Wagga Wagga and that was my last outing.
now in stage 4 here in Melb.
We've had to cancel several rides with Vic borders and had a 4 week trip to Lake Mcquarie planned which is also canceled.
Now planning 4 week camping trip to Perth and surrounds and back for Oct 2021.
Really hoping this covid crap is over by then.
Currently stuck at home with no job and there's only so many times you can wash a clean bike lol...
I spend my days doing little projects around the house and of course there are the domestic hubby duties to perform. There always something to clean up around the house specially when you've got two 5yr olds who don't clean up after themselves.. one is 18 and the other is