Blog by sjmounger
It was a great evening for a ride
11 Mar 2021

It was a great evening for a ride

Took a quick ride up to Norris Dam and then round Rocky Top then back home. 2020 Zero SR/S electric motorcycle.

4 1.3K
  • Evaldas Jonaitis 11 Mar 2021
    You're the first person I know that actually got fully electric bike. Is it as bad as they say? Do you miss the sound of a proper bike?
    • sjmounger 11 Mar 2021 author
      Evaldas Jonaitis, not bad at all. I don't miss not being able to ride super early or come home super late for fear of waking up my kids or neighbors. At very slow speeds it is nearly silent. This winter I also didn't miss having to sit with the choke on for several minutes waiting for it to warm up. I just got on and went. It takes longer to zip up your jacket then to get the bike started. never having to go to the gas station because you are on empty before or after a ride is also a great perk I wasn't counting on. There just isn't a more perfect commuter bike.
      • Evaldas Jonaitis 11 Mar 2021
        sjmounger, Brilliant. I hope big company's start making affordable E-bikes soon. Because at the moment only few people can afford it. Enjoy.
        • sjmounger 11 Mar 2021 author
          Evaldas Jonaitis, it is definitely an early adopter thing at the moment. I didn't want to wait another 5 or 10 years for the price to come down. I wanted my next one to be one.
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