Blog by 28that
“How much weight can a motorbike carry?
14 Apr 2021

“How much weight can a motorbike carry?

In my experience, a motorbike can carry an infinite amount.
They can carry the weight of broken hearts, broken homes, and broken bodies. Countless tears sometimes smudge their paintwork. Moments when parents and friends cannot be there to help and hold a person, motorbikes embrace and empower. They carry physical, mental, and emotional handicaps. They carry hopes and dreams; and they will carry the stress from your day when you can't carry it anymore.
They carry graduations, they carry new careers, they carry moves away from everything familiar, they carry marriages, they carry divorces, they carry funerals, they carry babys before they are born, and sometimes they carry the mothers who cannot carry their own baby. They carry mistakes, they carry joy, they carry the good and they carry the bad. They carry drugs and addictions, but they also carry the celebrations.
They will carry you to success when all you have felt is failure. They will carry you, never knowing the weight of your burdens and triumphs.
If you let them, they will carry you through life, and life is hard, life is heavy. But a motorbike will make you feel weightless under it all.”

3 1.8K
  • Danny Greer 15 Apr 2021
    I totally agree. Being on my bike is my therapy. No matter how shit I'm feeling, give it 10 mins on my bike and I feel 100% better.
    • ROHAN Sr. 15 Apr 2021
      Danny Greer, That's so true. ??
  • ROHAN Sr. 15 Apr 2021
    You said it all. ??
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