June Jam Motorcycle Rally Sat- Sun, Salisbury NC
Want FREE Admission to June Jam Motorcycle Rally and Swap Meet Plus a FREE Meal? No Catch-No Strings! Volunteer for a one-4 hr shift (you pick time) at the NC Motorcycle Safety & Awareness Program Booth and you get it ALL! PLUS! you are not precluded from winning ALL the HUGE Prizes at the ALL the Great Contests: like the Sound & Bike Shows, the Beauty Contests, People Games, Bike Games or even in the 4-wheeler & Barbie Car Races on the dirt track! There is even overnight primitive camping!(-not included in volunteer package). Plus Bands=Great Music, food and fun! and yup, REALL GREAT SWAP MEET SHOPPING! 21 & over ONLY
(Did you know? When you Volunteer with us, your mileage, expenses and gas are tax deductible? AND If you volunteer, we'll even provide proof of your community service Hours! Can't Beat That With A Stick!) Contact Mrz. Cat if you are interested! LookTwiceNC@gmail.com or 704-794-7278