Blog by retired 0311
Smoky Mountain cruising
retired 0311
retired 0311
27 Jun 2021

Smoky Mountain cruising

With my 15 year old son.

7 1.2K
  • Dennis S. 27 Jun 2021
    Absolutely love those Africa Twins!!! If they weren’t so darn heavy.
    • retired 0311 27 Jun 2021 author
      Dennis S., They are little bit heavy but once you get rolling they are weightless. You are very welcome to try it out. My 15 year old son is riding her around the house.
  • Dennis S. 27 Jun 2021
    I will take you up on that one day. All I can offer you is a ride on my 2018 R1 or V65 Sabre. I’m not riding the Aprilia that far...makes my butt hurt...LOL
    • retired 0311 28 Jun 2021 author
      Dennis S., The R1 sounds great! I got the 2009 R1 with the first year of crossplane engine. It’s a beast. I can’t imagine the 2018 model.
  • Dennis S. 27 Jun 2021
    P.S. I’ve got a 21 year old son that I kept bikes in front of his whole life. Absolutely no interest...he crashed once and saw me crash a couple times (not bad) and it was over for him. I’d like to share the experience with him, but I also know how much I worried my Mom, so it’s somewhat of a mixed blessing...so long as you teach them right, they’ve got pretty good odds of a lifelong love affair!!!
    • retired 0311 28 Jun 2021 author
      Dennis S., You are absolutely right. I got 20 year old son and he ain’t interested in motorcycles at all. But my 15 year old had his first electric mini bike when he was around 7 years old. Then he got really into it. His first bike was BMW f650, then DR650 and now he rides the KTM. I would never let him ride on his own. Got to be supervised for few more years.
      Aaaaaaaand my 13 year old son apparently can’t even hold on to electric scooter. Yesterday afternoon we spent in the emergency room with broken collar bone. 🤦🏼‍♂️
      He will learn.
  • Dennis S. 30 Jun 2021
    Yes it is ridiculous...quick shift and auto blip down shifter are awesome!!!!. I went -1f and +2 rear for the mountain roads...Don’t know how much different it is from your bike, but it’s a far cry from my old 2005 R1 for sure!!!
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