Biker Church & Miniseries
Please keep the Daytona Biker Church in prayer and PastorJim and his wife as they settle in to their new location. My wife Maureen and I were able to stop in and visit them. One time per month we postpone our online service and bible study to go visit a church in our area to build relationships with other Pastors and leaders in our community and build partnership in evangelism and reaching the lost for Jesus. Pastor Jim shared a wounderful message from 1 Kings 19:1-8 on endurance. If your find yourself in this area and enjoy riding, make sure you check them out. PS. Pastor Jim. Thanks for the shirt ?
Pastor/Evangelist Vic
Vic Batista
CCA.University/ Speedway Church, Daytona Beach
More information text or call, 386-256-6251 /305-992-9537