15 Aug 2021


I have a zx900r when it's standing it will rev to red line but when it's under load it gets to 6000 and won't go over it and runs like a sick pig I'm at a loss

13 1.8K
  • Gavin Brett Randall 15 Aug 2021
    First thing is check the accelerator cable is adjusted correctly and in correct position not worn and catching on anything.

    Then make sure the choke cable is also correctly adjusted, not worn or anything, however if this was the case the bike would not do this but while you checking cables, check both.

    Then if you still have the problem, then unfortunately this bikes carbs need to come out and stripped and cleaned. Pull jets out, needle and seats, floats and clean in a dish of fuel and blow through with a compressor thoroughly. Once clean assemble making sure the bowls all fill to the correct levels.

    Easy enough to do, I am pretty sure this is your problem. Fuel starvation and you have dirty carbs and dirt in the chambers behind the needle jets. Make sure you clean each jet too.

    Good luck and enjoy. PS - while you there change your air filter to. ????
    • bryangasston 15 Aug 2021 author
      Gavin Brett Randall, Thanks mate I will have carbs off tomoz and clean and see if that cures it
    • bryangasston 15 Aug 2021 author
      Gavin Brett Randall, Also would to much back pressure cause it?
      • Gavin Brett Randall 15 Aug 2021
        bryangasston, Hey Bryan, not really. Simply if the exhaust was blocked, the bike probably would not start at all. It would mimic the same symptoms as a lack of compression. Meaning not enough compression for the fuel and air mixture to ignite at spark.

        A couple of things to check :-
        * pull off the inline fuel filter, if clean great, if unsure change it.
        * check for a pinched fuel line from the tank to the carbs. You have fuel starvation under load.
        * check fuel tank vent on the fuel cap is working, by opening the fuel cap and seeing if the problem persists after 6000 RPM under load.
        * check air intake and fuel filter, change if necessary.
        * check for a pinched vent hose on the carburetors, which could prevent the sliders from lofting when a demand for power is needed.
        * strip and clean carbs thoroughly, making sure the main jets are clean, needles and seats. Blow out all airways after cleaning in fuel.

        I think after all the above, you will win mate. ????
        • bryangasston 15 Aug 2021 author
          Gavin Brett Randall, Cheers mate will do it tomoz
          • bryangasston 16 Aug 2021 author
            bryangasston, So out of the 4 header pipes number 2 is only getting warm where as the other 3 are hot could a burnt plug do that?
  • Dennis S. 15 Aug 2021
    Check for a vacuum leak between the carbs and the head before you take the carbs off…buy some starter fluid and spray around the carb isolators and see if the engine revs without you touching the throttle….if they’re cracked, it’ll run lean too. I’ve also had older bikes (‘79 CB750F) fall on its face at 6k due to a bad coil. Don’t know if your bike has coil packs, if it does check to see if they are swollen or cracked.
    • bryangasston 15 Aug 2021 author
      Dennis S., Thanks mate will give it a go tomoz
      • bryangasston 16 Aug 2021 author
        bryangasston, So today I found out that out of the 4 header pipes the second one only gets warm and not hot like the other 3 could it be a burnt plug?
        • Gavin Brett Randall 16 Aug 2021
          bryangasston, Well spotted, yes change out the plug and check again, if that problem continues swop the HT leads around and check again from cold. Could also need a new set of leads and as Dennis pointed out then move onto checking the coils. Good advice Dennis. ??
  • bryangasston 11 Sep 2021 author
    It's fixed guys running like a train again now to sort the body work out happy chappie
    • J03y 10 Oct 2021
      bryangasston, What was wrong Bryan? Put us out of misery
      • bryangasston 10 Oct 2021 author
        J03y, Bike has been fixed and sold bud
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