Blog by JoeRider
Not happy with this ???
23 Oct 2021

Not happy with this ???

In the US at least there has been a big push recently for the "Right to repair" - interesting take in this article that proposed restrictions coming to the UK and EU are due to the government wanting to "protect" emissions tampering, but also that self driving cars ... can't deal with motorcycles - so fu*k me and my carbon emissions wanting to take two showers, I'm the one ruining the planet with my modified exhaust not the government and industry that keep burning coal ???

7 1.8K
  • AJay 23 Oct 2021
    I've said it before but it bears repeating. Write to your MP's and remind those pillocks that they are only there because they won a popularity contest that sane people wouldn't enter; and that they should listen to their constituents, not their financial backers.
    • JoeRider 23 Oct 2021 author
      AJay, I entirely respect anyone who takes the time to put pen to paper to share those sorts of thoughts with a local MP, but can't help feel that they are all in some one else's pocket - or if not, have everything possible stacked against them.

      For me the take home is we are living through the end of an age and some of these things we take for granted they're sadly short for this world, so got to make the most of it and share the love while you can.
  • Danny 4D's 23 Oct 2021
    Private industry controlling the governments & always affecting the consumers ?
    • JoeRider 23 Oct 2021 author
      Danny 4D's, Sad state of affairs, the future might get more high tech from here on in but we are set to loose some long standing freedoms in the process
  • Robert Turner 23 Oct 2021
    Does that include assign a registration plate?
    • Robert Turner 23 Oct 2021
      Robert Turner, *adding
    • JoeRider 23 Oct 2021 author
      Robert Turner, I think the suggested legislation is specific to anything that changes the exhaust emissions of the vehicle, so cosmetic and physical modification would be permitted but anything at all "performance" altering would be illegal
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