Blog by AJay
An Old Man & His Royal Enfield.
16 Nov 2021

An Old Man & His Royal Enfield.

Today was the first day suitable for a ride since "Two Elles" went back together. The weather has been wet, wet and wet with several roads about the place cut by flood water. A couple of neighbouring towns are also suffering flooding.

So with the sun out for a day or two before the next projected rain, I set out to see if everything is tight.

I have to say that this 19 tooth final drive sprocket should have been done in 2017! I L.O.V.E. it.

About town with a 50kph speed limit is now a dream in 3rd where before one would be bouncing between 3rd and 4th slot trying to juggle speed with revs. Get out of town, changing up judging by revs, sees 5th gear selected about 90kph and sitting on the highway limit of 100kph effortless.

If you own an Enfield Classic 500 and are still using the factory 18 tooth sprocket, do yourself a favour and swap it. Especially Aussies outside of major centres where 100km plus trips are a normal work commute!

In closing, remember either ride safe or don't, but always think of the other road users. They may be trying to kill us all, but no need to sink to their level of incompetence!

AJ Sends

4 2K
  • Francois 16 Nov 2021
    I always appreciate and respect a Oldtimer who still rides especially if it's on something historical or vintage. Your trip sounds amazing. I have to say I honestly don't know how you guys enjoy riding so slow and how you have cops everywhere.
    • AJay 16 Nov 2021 author
      Francois, I lived a fast life. A total of 43 months in war zones in Western Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Slow is good these days! ?
      • Francois 16 Nov 2021
        AJay, ja you are right but hey I would die sitting at 100km/h. LOL
        • AJay 16 Nov 2021 author
          Francois, Australia has a lot to see. 100kph is a nice sedate speed to sight see a country as big as the continental United States ?
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