It's not about the bike...

It's not about the bike. It really isn't. least for me. It's about where the bike takes you.
As a kid I always loved being on wheels, be it a bicycle or rollerskating, or my brothers skateboard (borrowed without his permission!) The wheels took me places faster than my legs could. Took me far from the reality of my life into a world of nature and wonder, where I felt free.
My motorbike is just an extension of my childhood wheels. A bigger tool to take me deeper into the world of nature and wonder. ...and Thailand, with its nature in abundance, never disappoints.
Maybe one day I will feel its about the bike..I'm not sure. There are certainly some beautiful bikes out there. However, my simple dtracker does the job required. I treasure it, because it has given me so much.

especially in the western US) a woman who herds and tends cattle, performing much of her work on horseback.
"cowgirls work from sunrise to sunset"
Close enough ? .....!