...random story about this brand of juice.
To those who are unfamiliar with it, it's 100% coconut juice. However, the bottle looks like a beer bottle.
There have been many occasions when on a ride that I've stopped into a garage 7-11 whilst fuelling up or at a local store, to buy one of these drinks. Coconut is a great natural electrolyte, and if I see anyone selling fresh ones road-side, I'll pull over to enjoy one.
It's pretty comical when sitting outside a 7-11 in moto gear drinking one of these, when someone is unfamiliar with what it is (often foreigners). The disparaging looks at what appears to be someone guzzling down alcohol whilst operating a vehicle makes the refreshing stop a little comical ?. Sometimes, I'll even buy two and chug them down with glee.
Up till now, no-one has yet confronted me about it, but if looks could kill....????