Elvira Davidson
Elvira Davidson
31 Aug 2022

Rise up

We are on here but we don't interact like we do on FB. We can make this an awesome platform but we need to do so. We can blame the devs but we need to look inward first. it seems that we as people like to blame others first. FB sucks from all the fake profiles and commercials.

3 1.1K
  • Agree...
    This is a great platform but shouldn't be public like it is at the moment. at least should give that option.
  • Elvira Davidson 31 Aug 2022 author
    I didn't even think about a membership requirement. Maybe require a Vin number check or something. Something to stop it from becoming vulture infested. I was talking about the behavior difference. I rarely see anything beyond bike pics (which I love) or a like. Rarely see bike related memes or comments which lead to conversations like this one.
  • Firehawk 02 Sep 2022
    Heck. I don't even have a meme generator. ....
    I actually had to delete my Facebook account due to too many fakes and scam attempts among other things. Now I no longer really know what to do with social media, so I just post pictures of my bike with a short description of why on this page.
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