Canadian Military Motorcycles - Part 2

"Little Joe Series in Germany". Members of the 1st Canadian Infantry Brigade Group's Provost Corps receive an assignment from their sergeant. L/Cpl. George Monteith and Cecil McCormick and Sergeant Alex Webber, NATO Exercise "Battle Royal", 13 March 1954.
A despatch rider of the 2nd Canadian Infantry Division talking with Frenchwomen, Normandy, 9 September 1944.
Despatch riders of the 2nd Canadian Infantry Division, Normandy, 9 September 1944.
Despatch rider Cecil Whidden of 25th Canadian Infantry Signals Squadron on exercise, 25 January 1951.
Sergeant R.H. Easby (L) handing a message to a despatch rider, Signalman J.K. Armstrong, with his Triumph motorcycle at 5th Canadian Armoured Division Headquarters, 17 March 1944.
Despatch riders of the 1st Canadian Infantry Brigade outside Brigade Headquarters, Italy, 12 September 1943.
Despatch rider L/Cpl Paul Harvey of Royal 22nd Canadian Regiment with his motorcycle, 15 Sep 1951.
Canadian Officers Training Corps at Canadian Provost Corps School. Officer Cadet L.G. Neily receiving motorcycle instruction from S/Sgt. G.E. Sheperd, 21 May 1950.
Canadian Officers Training Corps at Canadian Provost Corps School. Officer Cadets receive motorcycle training. L. to r.: J.R. Waterton, W.P. Stoker, C.A. Walker, A.G. Ward and the instructor, 21 May 1950.
Despatch riders of the 48th Highlanders of Canada, England, 19 April 1943.
Despatch rider Private H. McDowell of The 48th Highlanders of Canada delivering a message to the battalion's advanced headquarters, Regalbuto, Italy, 4 August 1943.
Despatch rider with motorcycles at 2nd Canadian Corps Headquarters during Exercise SPARTAN, England, 12 March 1943.
Canadian despatch riders near Tunis, Tunisia, July 1943.
Two despatch riders of the 1st Canadian Infantry Brigade Group check their position. L/Bdr Roy Springstead and Sgmn C. McQuaig, 22 September 1954.
Despatch rider trainee learning about the operation of the Norton motorcycle engine, 1 May 1942.
Infantrymen of the South Saskatchewan Regiment locating German Panzerfaust anti-tank launchers in a store window, Oldenburg, Germany, 3 May 1945.
Canadian Army crew on motorcycles in Northwest Europe, c1944, with a Lewis gun and side car.
Canadian Army crew on motorcycles in Northwest Europe, c1944, with a side car.
Canadian infantrymen riding a motorcycle with sidecar, France, 14 June 1944.
Personnel of the Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa on motorcycles near Caen, France, 15 July 1944.
Credit: Library and Archives Canada Photo
if youlike this post i will do part 3... Thanks for watching!