A few weeks ago, I got my ST4s back from its first major service
In addition to the service, several minor issues were fixed as well, including preemptively replacing the hoses on the fuel pump and a new clutch slave cylinder. I also had heated grips installed, which came in very handy on this weekend's rides.
I typically send my bike to the shop with all of the bodywork stripped off. While in the shop, I hand clean and ceramic coat all the bodywork. I put it all back on last weekend while watching MotoGP races in my garage.
Saturday was my first shake-down ride after getting it all back together. Ran some errands, including a stop a Cycle Gear for some stuff I needed. Abandoned the freeway and took the scenic route back home.
This morning, it was a few degrees above freezing when I left for breakfast. The new heated grips work great! After breakfast, I started up the into the mountains on CA Hwy 88, rising from 1,000 ft in Plymouth to 7,500 ft at Shot Rock Vista, passing the snow line at about 5,000ft. Turning back, I cut through the El Dorado Forest on Omo Ranch Road to return home.
Fun, though chilly, ride. The bike is running and looking great. Looking forward to longer rides as the weather warms up.