Blog by Craig Whitehead
Just In Case What You Love Get STOLEN
Craig Whitehead
Craig Whitehead
14 Feb 2018

Just In Case What You Love Get STOLEN

I share this with many. Bikes are stolen daily. Truth be told if they want it they will get it. But here is something you can do to know where it is at a fraction of the cost. Place a "Tile" on your bike in a hidden place. Activate it on your phone and know where your bike is at all times. Note: The "Tile" is white I took a black marker and painted mine. I have one on my bike, trailer, and helmet. Easily purchase from https://www.amazon.com/Tile-Mate-Finder-Anything-Finder/dp/B01L3VEC08/ref=sr_1_3?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1518569386&sr=1-3&keywords=tile+tracker

Side Note: If you are not in range of your bike you can put your "Tile" in lost mode from your phone and anyone with the "tile" activated on their phone that passes in range of your bike it will send a message to you with a location of where it is. I have put mine in lost mode many of times..speaking of the one I have in my daughters car.

1 2.1K
  • Martin Hodari 14 Feb 2018
    Cool device. i need to buy one
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