Carburateur problem. Gas in air filter
After i cleaned the bike the last time, tried to start it a few times. Runned at just one cillinder (one, out of two, exhaust got warm) Checked the sparks + cables, cleaned the sparks and cleared the head with sandpaper, it was quite black and a lot of grime.
One of them was very filthy, but after the cleaning, tested a few times and although the bike wouldn't start immediatly, i felt both exhausts got a little warm.
Got the carb out, everything looked fine, float chamber was clean. Floats look fine, no leaks. only changed one of the float needles.
Plugged out the sparks, they where already wet again. dried/cleaned them and put them back.
Now i had put back everything on my machine, tried to start it(what it did, but had to open the throttle whole time) and then the gasoline leaked out of the carb straight in to the air filter..
Was a known problem, also a known problem on Kawa, of what i read and heard. I believe the problem has something to do with the float needle,
Anyone here knows how to adjust them?
Do i really have to bend the part where the needle is hanging on the float?? Doesn't seem like a great idea, but for now my only idea..
Meanwhile stationary i have him going, not perfect but at least it keeps running for a while with a proper rpm.. Only problem for now is the gas that seels out, in to the air filter..
Have to check and hope the gas didn't run back in the cillinder and so in the carter :(
Any other ideas are welcome!
Greetings José
PS sorry for the bad english, try my best :)

Having that fail so that it sucks in raw gas is a pretty UNcommon problem.
What are the positions on your gas valve marked ??
If you are sure the excess gas is going in through one or more carbs, you either need a float or the needle valve that it closes. Often when that is the cause of the problem, some full strength carb cleaner and some manual manipulation of the parts will dissolve or dislodge the "crud" causing the problem. That sometimes can even be accomplished without taking the carbs apart at all; sometimes by only removing the float bowls........and sometimes by just tapping on the side of the carb with something like the butt of a screwdriver.
Taking the carb(s) apart should be a last resort.
Honestly, i wouldn't know for sure whitch one it is.. Is it the big hose between the chambers, that goes in to the tank? That hose is free from dirt though. Just blew through that one this morning with no resistance or so.
The carb has been cleaned ultrasoon, and i have cleaned it again this week.
Tried to adjust the float needle this morning, i'm now for sure that it closes well, and although the needle looks brand new, there even came more gas out then there dit before.. I'm going to buy two new needles first, maybe they aren't so great as they look from the outside.
The gas valve isn't adjustable by the way.. It's just the cover, spring, yellow plastic cap, and then the needle with no groove or anything on it..
the tapping i didn't try jet, maybe the float needle will get in right position, when i do.
thanx already