Country-wise most popular motorcycles around the world
Country-wise most popular motorcycles around the world
25 Nov 2020 Interesting
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A very simple world map that depicts popular motorcycles in nearly all countries in the world. The color key for Harley-Davidson is Orange and well, the world seems to mostly like Orange.


There are no surprises there if we tell you that Royal Enfields are by far the most popular motorcycles in India. You perhaps know that already. So, this got us thinking that it would be interesting to find out which are the most popular motorcycles in other countries across the globe. Folks at Budget Direct Motorcycle Insurance had the same idea and they came up with a very simple world map that depicts popular motorcycles in nearly all countries in the world. The color key for Harley-Davidson is Orange and well, the world seems to mostly like Orange.


The team used Google Keyword data to work out how often a motorcycle brand is searched on the Internet in a country. All of the North American continents is a Harley-Davidson fan with the exception of Mexico which likes Honda more, and Honduras that likes Kawasakis.


Move over to South America and it is Honda that is dominant. It is either Harley-Davidson motorcycles or Japanese makes like Honda and Yamaha. European manufacturers like Ducati found fans in Jamaica, Dominican Republic, and Guyana.

With the exception of the Czech Republic and Slovakia that have Kawasaki motorcycles the most popular, and Latvia like Hondas, all of the countries in this part of the world (first image below) search for Harley-Davidson motorcycles the most.


The most popular motorcycle in Italy but of course remain Ducati, while Spain likes Kawasakis. Move over to the African continent and it gets diverse, and you begin to see Indian manufacturers as well. While the most popular brand in Saudi Arabia, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, and Nigeria is Royal Enfield, Bajaj Auto has the most searched motorcycles in Ethiopia.


The Southern end of the African continent strictly searches only for either Harley-Davidson motorcycles or Ducatis, but Tanzania seems to like Vespa.


The story about Harley-Davidson’s popularity continues in the East but Royal Enfield remains the most popular in most of the South Asian continent. Kawasaki is the most popular in its home country of Japan. The other prominent manufacturer from Japan, Honda takes the top spot in South Korea and the Philippines. It is all Orange down under.

Original Source [financialexpress]

#Harley #HD #Moto #BIke

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  • Matt Carroll 25 Nov 2020
    The news article above this one was all about how tough a time harley are having over the last few years.
    It just goes to show, Google searching harley and forking out the cash for one are quite different.
  • Martin Hodari 25 Nov 2020
    Harley in India is on top compared to any other foreign manufacturer.

    Currently RE is on top but that’s obviously because of pricing but if you take RE out of picture still Harley sells more bike than any other foreign brands.

    Image Source : 2018 Annual Report Card - Superbikes & Imports - Team-BHP
  • Russell Taylor 26 Nov 2020
    Lots of people aspire to a Harley but ownership is just a dream for most. Sales are a much more reliable indicator of popularity.
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