Ride to Mt Arowhana
I was joined by Barry Hovel, Rossco Lomas and Karl Kinder for a little ride upto Mt Arowhana on sunday, weather was kind, aprt from extensive cloud cover, I was hoping for clear skies, to see the various coastlines from up there, Wasn't to be this time, but was still a great ride. Rossco got down and dirty, when he repositioned a cast sheep that was stuck on her back up a bank, while trying to spit out a lamb. And we had a wild horse decide to run off ahead of us going back down Te Weraroa rd, He did quite well, and thought he was in the melbourne cup, but our ponies finally beat him. Since we were back in TK early, we went for a blatt up Kanakanaia rd, only has about 20km of gravel, but it burned up a bit of the afternoon, and then we were done.