Daniel Ramos
Daniel Ramos
30 Dec 2020

Christmas ride

Since 1949 on New Years day the I-Cycle Derby has taken place in Minneapolis, Minnesota. That means snow and temperatures as low as -20 degrees. It is the longest continuously running timed derby in country. Some have said in the world. Writers have come from as far away as Japan to report on it. Both motorcycles and scooters are invited to partake. For the last few years Team Strange has been the host. This year the derby has been postponed. While that means I will not have to go to bed early and then get up early to be there at the start it's a bummer to interrupt such a great record. Here are some pictures I have taken over the last few years. (By the way isn't "Team Strange" one of the greatest names for a motorcycle club.) Addendum: It's an actual derby. There is a timed course with checkpoints. You are given where the checkpoints are and time between them but not a rout. Whoever completes the course closest to the chosen time wins. One year a guy came in 3 seconds short of the time.

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