Floating front discs
Most modern bikes have floating front discs but without a little maintenance the bobbins can seize and cause brake judder and excessive lever movement.
A friend showed me how to keep the bobbins free and moving a long time ago. All it requires is a nut and bolt that will fit inside the bobbin and an electric drill with a nut driver/socket.
Give the bobbin a quick spray of brake cleaner (don’t use WD40 as it will get on the disc) and insert the nut and bolt finger tight.
Then give the bolt a good. spin with the electric drill. This should soon have the bobbin spinning and another spray with brake cleaner will get rid off any dirt and corrosion that has been expelled.
Repeat for each bobbin and your front brakes should feel like new. I was shown this trick after the bobbins on the front brakes of my Triumph Sprint seized and became oval shaped. The judder was horrendous and the discs needed to be replaced. Using this method of cleaning/freeing I have never had that problem since.