Two Women - Two Different Life Paths.

On Sunday I rode 548km in Northern Thailand, riding in some rural areas (where I caught the incredible Mexican Sunflowers in full bloom. A sea of yellow in a steep and fabulous mountain route). One lovely moment was with this lady at a fuel pump.
We exchanged conversation for a while (I speak Thai, but not perfectly. Enough for a decent conversation about life).
She wanted to take my photo because she was impressed that I was a woman riding on my own and I wanted to take her photo because I was impressed that she was a woman running a small rural shop with a baby attached to her hip.
She had the most beautiful warm smile and personality. A shared moment between two women, with totally different lives. I love moments like this and feel very lucky.
Please note...I am also acutely aware of opportunities I have been given due to where I was born and with that comes more choices in the paths we can take. She seemed very happy and tranquil in her own path though and certainly would never think my life is in some way superior! I mentioned this purely because I don't wish backlash for painting what may seem like a chocolate box picture ? I am always aware of this aspect ?