OK - time for an update.
The crank was tight in the bearings. I tried everything to loosen her up but in the end had to split the crank cases and review the situation.
I decided that the TS bearing was causing the problem (it was sticking and graunchy despite lots of TLC) but in attempting to remove the crank from the timing side I managed to cack-handedly damage the drive side bearing as well.
Nothing for it but a set of new bearings, and an expensive new three part roller bearing for the TS.
This three part bearing makes fitting the cases together much easier. Here is the race fitted to the crank before reassembly
I made sure the TS bearing was properly home this time as I suspect this was the issue in the first place and both bearings are spinning freely at last.
I also fitted the lay shaft roller bearing to the gearbox which I had omitted to do before.
I then got the cranks back together for a dry fit and boy what a difference having a removable bearing on both sides of the crank makes! The crank turns beautifully and whilst I haven't bolted it back together yet it's looking good.
I'll clean up the gasket surfaces later and then get the Yamabond out for the second time. Much happier than before...
Progress is being made....expensively