This Wounded Marine Held A Salute For HOURS… What These Patriot Bikers Do Will Give You Chills
This Wounded Marine Held A Salute For HOURS… What These Patriot Bikers Do Will Give You Chills Every Memorial Day weekend since 1988, Rolling Thunder/Ride for Freedom has been held in Washington, DC, to raise awareness of the Prisoners of War–Missing in Action of all wars. And every Memorial Day this hero stands and salutes in honor of the men and women who have served our great country! United States Marine Corps Veteran Staff Sergeant Tim Chambers is known to the world as The Saluting Marine for standing at attention for hours in the middle of the street during Rolling Thunder. In one of the videos we have below he held the salute for 3-4 hours while standing on concrete as the biker/patriots rode by and saluted back! This is so awesome to watch! In spite having a broken wrist, Sgt. Chambers ignored the pain and heat and continued his powerful act honoring veterans of our country. We are including a few different videos that we know you will love! My favorite parts are when the patriots try to help him stay cool and wipe the sweat from his head! So let’s get to these videos! Enjoy and God bless! This one is a beautiful news report from FOX. I just have to say, this really touched my heart in so many ways. We hope you enjoyed this as much as we did and would love for you to share this with all of your friends and family on Facebook! God bless you patriots and GOD BLESS AMERICA!