Yamaha YZF R1 - 2019-07-28 10:12:46
Yamaha YZF R1 - 2019-07-28 10:12:46
08 Jun 2017

Clutch replacement R1 2007

I've done a wheelie and I killed the clutch =( I only take OEM . There's just a lot of disks... And being different, in different sizes and different thickness.
Part No. Thickness
4B1-16324-00 1.6 mm (0.062 in)
5VY-16325-00 2.0 mm (0.079 in) STD
4B1-16325-00 2.3 mm (0.091 in)

As I understand it, to take the standard. But someone tried to use other?

A red mark that ordered new. Blue is questionable...
13 - nut only if you need a new spin. When replacing drives, it is not necessary.
11-12 - they do wear out?
That's what, and in the manual about the clutch no enough written. :(
The clutch I'm not disassemble... now i think what to order....

5 8.5K
  • Yrvin Marcel 08 Jun 2017
    wow that sucks bro....
    №11 and №12 do not change, this ring of metal, spring №1 try to change if necessary
    • Josh Arella 08 Jun 2017 author
      Yrvin Marcel, thanks bro, great bike!)
  • Ramon Guzman 08 Jun 2017
    buy the OEM or its nearest at the price of analog, don't buy chinese shit.... otherwise you will buy the new engine .
    • Josh Arella 08 Jun 2017 author
      Ramon Guzman, Yes, I buy only OEM,ty mate
  • NinjaBraap 09 Jun 2017
    It's a slipper clutch, 10-15 is the slipper assembly, the rest is all normal clutch discs, with 5 being the top disc at a different thickness than the rest. I usually buy an EBC kit that includes all the discs necessary.
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