Portugal and a little of Spain 2017. Part 4

Day four
It was a great day! We started the day early enough. The plan included visiting 3 attractions and the route looked something like this.
A place that is definitely worth to visit in the south of Spain is Camino del Ray. It is impossible to put it into words. Because I saw such place for the first time! To get there you need to get to the Final Caminito Del Rey point, then leave the motorcycles there, and you can also leave a helmet and protection at the reception in order not to take it along. Then go to the stop, where a bus will take you to the beginning of the route. I recommend to take water, which you can buy at the stop or before the start of the route, it will be useful for you as the whole route is about 7 km.
It took us about 3 hours. I still remember this route. It was really unforgettable.
Also I advise to visit the Conde de Guadalhorce reservoir, it looks like a lake, the local people say that you can even swim there. The water is muddy and the bottom is not visible, it was a bit scary, but I wanted to refresh myself.
Then we went to Ronda, another place worth visiting. Ronda is an ancient Spanish city located in the south of the country in Andalusia. Ronda is located at the height of 750 meters above sea level on two massive high plateaus connected by the Puente Nuevo bridge (New Bridge) over the El Tajo gorge 100 meters deep. At the bottom of the gorge, the Guadalewin River flows, and the surroundings are a picturesque mountain valley. It’s hard to describe the amazing view that opens from this bridge, as well as to imagine a view of the valley from below, from the monumental bridge.
On the way we often stopped to have a snack of fruits grown by local farmers.
And here is another interesting place, the small town Setenil de las Bodegas, which we visited because of the café located in the rock.
After we returned to Seville, we, as usual, ate tapas and drank sangria!